Facility Use
The primary purpose of all school buildings, grounds, and property is for the education and advancement of our students. However, the Board of Education may permit limited use of certain facilities by responsible organizations or groups not identified with the school if certain conditions are met. The final determination of facility usage is made by the Board of Education.
Review the Jenks School Board Policy (section 1.19) regarding the usage of, and rental fees for, Jenks District facilities, Jenks School Board Policy.
Facility use requests may be entered after establishing access to Incident iQ Events. For instructions, Click Facility Use Requests-Access.
Already registered? Click the appropriate link below to access Incident iQ Events:
External Users: https://jenks.incidentiq.com/guest/AVMM6U7B/facility-use-request
Note: JPS employees registering an outside group should not use your school email address.
Internal (JPS Employees) Users: https://jenks.incidentiq.com/
Contact Melissa Gonzalo in the Jenks Public Schools Business Office for more information.
918-299-4415 ext 2203