The JPS Purchasing Department provides added value in professional vendor & cooperative association contracts and discounts, service improvements, bids, commercial terms and conditions, and the imparting and application of business principles to utilize appropriated funds effectively for classroom excellence.
All purchases within the district must be conducted within the District’s Purchasing Policy, Board Policy 1.35.
Contacts for Specific Commodities
Information Technology Staff : All Information Technology (Hardware, Installations, Software, & Peripherals)
Doug Karnes, Director of Purchasing manages Purchasing, Fixed Assets, Purchasing Cards, contracts, law & policy questions.
Vendors may request to be added to the district’s bidder’s list. Bidders must be approved through the office of the Director of Purchasing before being added to the bidder’s list. Companies interested in being added to the bid list should complete the Vendor Registration Form and submit to finance@jenksps.org
To comply with the Internal Revenue Service and to ensure prompt payment, the district may require vendors to complete a vendor registration form. Before being approved to do business with the District, all vendors must agree to the terms and conditions of the district’s official purchase order.
Transparency of Purchases
The link to the Oklahoma State Department of Education site to see the district's purchases is https://sdeweb01.sde.ok.gov/OCAS_Reporting/?Year=2011 .