Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA)

What is RSA and how does it affect my student?

The Oklahoma Reading Sufficiency Act, or RSA, helps ensure that by the end of third grade, each student is given the opportunity to develop strong reading skills needed to be successful.  The law states that third grade students will not be automatically promoted to the fourth grade if he or she does not meet the state determined criteria on the reading portion of Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP) unless they are exempt for “Good Cause” or they are probationary promoted.  A Student Reading Proficiency Team (SRPT) made up of the parents/guardian, classroom teacher, future reading teacher and a reading specialist will determine whether the student will be promoted or retained.   

What is Jenks Public Schools doing about RSA?

Jenks Public Schools provides the best quality instruction for your student.  Each student enrolled in one of our elementary schools is monitored closely for reading difficulties and provided additional instruction if reading below grade level.  Students are given the STAR Reading Assessment at the beginning, middle and end of the school year to determine reading abilities and monitor growth.  This assessment assists teachers in choosing appropriate level reading material and determining the best course of instruction for the student. 

What is an Individualized Program of Reading Instruction (IPRI)?  

Elementary students who are below the determined benchmark level on the STAR Reading Assessment are given an Individualized Program of Reading Instruction (IPRI). This plan shows the areas of instruction the student will be working on and gives the student additional instruction and practice time with the teacher to ensure they reach grade level reading proficiency.

How can I help as a parent?

Practice makes perfect!  Providing a quiet place and time where your student can read is very helpful.  Reading with or to the student shows how reading should sound and creates a joy of reading.  Making sure your student has books at their reading level is also important.  If you do not have “just right’ level books at your home, encourage your student to bring books from school or visit the local Tulsa City-County Library.   The teacher or school librarian can help you with your book selection.


2023 3rd Grade Pathway to Promotion Data

2023 Retention Data

RSA Family Guide
