Safety, Behavior, and Discipline on the School Bus

All JPS buses are equipped with seatbelts. Wearing seatbelts is not required, but they are available for additional safety precautions for students. We adhere to the procedures to guarantee the safety of every student throughout their bus travel.

Click here for JPS Board Policy 3.46 Student Transportation. 

Riding a school bus is a privilege and the bus is an extension of the classroom. Students must always cooperate and follow the directions of the bus driver. Listed below are some basic rules while riding on the bus:

  1. Be courteous, use no profane language or gestures. 

  2. Always remain properly seated. 

  3. Do not be destructive or throw objects on or off the bus. 

  4. Keep all harmful items (drugs, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, etc.) off the bus.

  5. Help keep the bus clean. 

  6. Keep your heads, hands, feet (all body parts) inside the bus. 

  7. Keep all food and drinks off the bus. (water is permitted during summer months) 

  8. Only those items that can be safely held in your lap or stored under the seat will be permitted on the bus. 

  9. Enter and exit the bus at your designated bus stop only.

Safety and Behavior Code for Bus Riders 

Permission for any pupil to ride a bus is conditioned on his good behavior and observance of the following rules and regulations. Any pupil who violates any of these rules will be reported to the school principal and can be denied permission to ride to and from school. School rules apply to students while on buses. 

1. The emergency door may only be opened at the direction of the bus driver. If the door is opened in non-emergency situations, it could endanger the lives of the passengers. 

2. Students should remain seated while the bus is in motion. 

3. While on the bus, all students are under the direct supervision of the bus driver. Students should obey the driver’s suggestions promptly. 

4. The use of profane or abusive language or gestures and disruptive behavior will not be allowed. 

5. Students should keep all parts of their body inside the bus at all times. 

6. No food or drink will be permitted on the bus. 

7. Students should not run toward a school bus while it is in motion. (In bus loading zones, after the door closes, it will not be reopened.) 

8. Pupils who must cross the road after leaving the bus should pass in front of the bus at the direction of the bus driver. Pupils are not to cross behind the bus. The “danger zone” is a ten to fifteen foot area surrounding the bus. This is the area where most accidents occur and all students need to be aware of this “danger zone.” 

9. Students should enter and exit the bus at their designated bus stop only. 

10. Good behavior and manners are expected at the designated bus stop. 

11. Rules for bus behavior will be posted on each bus. 

12. Students should arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus scheduled to arrive.

Only principals have the authority to suspend transportation service; however, in an emergency situation the Director of Transportation may suspend services temporarily. 

1. A student whose behavior is such that it directly jeopardizes the safe operation of the school bus, or who refuses to follow the directions of the driver will lose his bus riding privilege without receiving previous warnings. Immediate loss of riding privilege can result from vandalism, fighting, abusive language or gestures directed toward school personnel, failure to cooperate with driver, possession and/or use of drugs, weapons, etc., throwing/spitting objects or any other actions that jeopardize the safety of student passengers or school personnel. 

2. Bus discipline procedures involving identified special education students are determined individually. 

3. Consequences for Violations of Bus Rules 
     a. First Offense — Assigned seat by the bus driver.   
     b. Second Offense — Write up sent to Principal who will then contact parents regarding issues on the bus.
     c. Third Offense - Write up sent to principal/ Loss of riding privileges for time set by Principal and Transportation Office.
The discipline steps listed above are the ones normally followed to correct inappropriate behavior. However, discipline may begin at any level if the behavior merits a more severe disciplinary action to correct the behavior. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated.