The safety and security of students, staff members, and visitors is the top priority at Jenks Public Schools. A comprehensive Emergency Procedures Guide is distributed to every District employee. Fire drills, severe weather drills, and intruder drills are just a few examples of the measures taken by school sites to prepare students for an emergency. Additionally, Jenks Public Schools maintains its own police department as well as an Incident Management Team (IMT) which can be called into action at any time to assist with emergency preparedness, prevention, recovery, and response. Jenks Public Schools works closely with local law enforcement and regional emergency agencies to address issues related to incident management. At JPS, all students, staff members, and parents should immediately report any suspicious activity or potential threats. All reports are taken very seriously.
Frequently Asked Questions

Over $5 million from JPS' bond elections designated for safety and security improvements over the last 10 years

Jenks Public Schools' Police Department patrols all school sites daily

1,200 surveillance cameras placed throughout the District on school buildings and facilities

Trojan Tipline: Students, staff members, or parents can report suspicious activity or safety threat via app, text message, or JPS' website

Secure entrances at main doors of buildings.

Cameras on JPS' buses

Background check hardware at all school sites to screen visitors before entry

Random K-9 searches for drugs, weapons, and explosives

Walk-through metal detectors used for special events

Training provided to all staff members on Run-Hide-Fight method when facing active assailant

Safety and security audits

Incident Management Team (IMT) trained in FEMA tactics and procedures for emergency management

Partnerships with local law enforcement and emergency management agencies

Emergency Procedures Guide given to every District Employee - contains detailed instructions and protocols for a variety of incidents, disasters, and emergencies

Multiple fire-tornado-intruder drills throughout the year

Electronic control over all exterior doors on school buildings

Emergency: 9-1-1
Jenks Public Schools Police Department: 918-299-4415 ext. 2240 | Safe-Call Hotline (24 hours): 1-877-723-3225, ext. 651 (need to build police page)
Jenks Police Department: 918-299-6311
Tulsa Police Department: 918-596-9222
Crime Stoppers: 918-596-2677
Oklahoma School Security Institute Tipline: 855-337-8300
Oklahoma Suicide Hotline (24 hours): 800-273-8255
Oklahoma Child Abuse Hotline (24 hours): 800-522-3511
Tulsa Health Department: 918-582-9355
All QuikTrip Stores
Jenks Police Station
Jenks Fire Station
Tulsa Police Stations
Tulsa Fire Stations