Student Safety Concern

If you need to report a safety concern about a student please call the school directly to report your concern during school hours, if no answer at the contact numbers listed below, please call Jenks Campus Police @ 918-607-0142. 
If it is an immediate emergency (a person's life is at risk) or if after school hours please call 911.


JPS Contact Numbers: 918-299-4415

High School - x2273, x2490, x2289 or x2240    

Alternative Center - x2420

Freshman Academy - x2269 or x2278

Middle School - x5300 or x5307

West Intermediate - x2900 or x2902

East Intermediate - x6531 or x5535

East Elementary - x5501 or x5502

Southeast Elementary - x5800 or x5807

West Elementary - x5601 or 5615

Campus Police - x2440


Please report the following:



Drug use by student

Drug sale by student

Threat to student to harm him/herself or others

Weapon possession


Or any other safety concern involving our students


Jenks Public Schools take the issue of student's safety very seriously!


SEE Something? HEAR Something? SAY Something!