Photo of Trojan Pride banner in front of band during Rose Parade

The Jenks High School Trojan Pride Marching Band was one of a select group of bands from around the world to perform in the 2024 Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California on New Year's Day. 

The theme for the 135th Tournament of Roses Parade was "Celebrating a World of Music - A Universal Language" and the Trojan Pride was one of only 19 bands scheduled to march in the prestigious, tradition-rich event. More than 200 bands apply every year for a chance to march in the Rose Parade. This marks the second time (2016) in the last eight years that the Trojan Pride was selected to march in the Tournament of Roses Parade. 

"The Rose Parade is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students, and we were thrilled to be able to represent Jenks, Oklahoma on New Year's Day," said Scott Hillock, Director of the Trojan Pride Marching Band. "We feel incredibly proud and grateful for our students to have the chance to shine on a stage like this, and we are so fortunate to have such supportive parents and staff members who worked tirelessly to raise the funds to make this trip possible."

Prior to the Rose Parade, the Trojan Pride was part of the annual Tournament of Roses Bandfest at Pasadena City College. Each band participating in the Parade performed an exciting show to highlight its unique skills and musicianship. Highlights of the trip to Southern California also included stops at the San Diego Zoo and Disneyland. 

Watch the Trojan Pride during the KTLA live broadcast - skip to the 1:41:40 mark