Winter Weather Procedures

At Jenks Public Schools, the safety of students and staff is always the top priority. JPS officials are continuously monitoring the latest forecasts and data to make timely, informed decisions.

Unlike in the past, there are no snow days built into the instructional calendar this year (2024-25). This change was based on a recommendation from the JPS Calendar Committee, comprised of parents, staff members, and administrators. If the District closes for a snow day, the calendar will be extended one additional school day for every snow day used.

In certain circumstances such as a multi-day winter weather event, the District may decide to have distance learning days rather than traditional snow days.

Please look over the following information about how decisions are made to close school and how families and staff can get the most current and accurate information.

***IMPORTANT: If school is open, no message will be sent. Assume school is open unless you are otherwise notified.***

How is the decision made to cancel school?
Many factors are considered, including the amount of precipitation and road conditions on both city streets and neighborhoods which must be safely navigated by buses. Some areas of the District may be clear, while other areas are dangerous and impassable. District administrators closely monitor forecasts and transportation employees begin checking bus routes in the early morning hours to determine whether conditions are safe.

How are parents and staff notified when school is canceled?
Notifications will be sent to parents/guardians and staff by telephone, text message, and email using our automated messaging system. The information will also be posted on the District website (, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and shared with local television stations.

What timeframe can parents and staff expect for notifications?
In most cases, the decision will be made to cancel school no later than 5:30 a.m. on the school day under consideration. The decision is made on a day-by-day basis after weather and road conditions have been assessed. Communication will be sent no earlier than 5:30 a.m.

What happens with events, activities, and athletics?
If school is closed, all after-school activities, including sports and evening events, will also be canceled. All Community Education programs and classes will be canceled, and the Early Childhood Center will be closed.

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s school site.

***REMEMBER: If school is open, no message will be sent. Assume school is open unless you are otherwise notified.***