Mr and Miss JHS Winners Samuel Abiel and Elaine Gao

He aspires to be an orthopedic surgeon. She has a full ride to Princeton to study International Affairs. Both are at the top of their class in academics and participate in a variety of clubs and activities while finding time to contribute to their community.

Last night, Samuel Abiel and Elaine Gao were named Mr. and Miss JHS, one of the highest honors a student can receive for their time at Jenks High School. Congratulations, Trojans!

Click here to watch their winning reactions and what it means to them to earn this honor.


Samuel Abiel

Samuel Abiel is the son of John and Nelly Abiel and the brother of Joanna and Rebecca. Currently, Samuel serves as Secretary for National Honor Society and Pre-Med Club, as well as the Publicist for the Chinese Club. He participates in numerous school extracurriculars such as Mock Trial, Science Olympiad, and the International Scholars Program (ISP). He is also heavily involved in church in Tulsa and loves to volunteer at St. Francis in his free time. His musical talent in guitar has earned him second place at the school’s Talent Show and first place in his guitar recitals. He has received awards such as AP Scholar, AP Capstone, and Senior of the Month in November. Samuel would like to express his gratitude to those who have invested so deeply in him, especially his sisters, and is proud and thankful to have attended Jenks High School. Due to his love of healthcare, Samuel desires to be an orthopedic surgeon in the future.

Elaine Gao

Elaine Gao started attending Jenks when her family moved to the United States six years ago. Both inside and outside of school, Elaine pursues her passions and demands excellence from herself. This year, she serves as the Captain of the Mock Trial and Speech and Debate programs. In the community, she is a diligent Lieutenant Governor of Division 25 West of Key Club, and she volunteers at Mount Zion Church as a translator. Her achievements are recognized by being named a National Merit Finalist and an Oklahoma Academic All-Stater. In her down time, she is also a prolific writer. She had published a historical fiction novel, The Oracle, and two different research papers in academic journals. Elaine is grateful for all the opportunities she has had and the connections she has made at Jenks. She will proudly represent her high school as she attends Princeton University in the fall to study International Relations.