Makayla Melton is the 2023-24 Classified Employee of the Year

Makayla Melton, Paraprofessional at West Elementary, is the 2023-24 Jenks Public Schools Classified Employee of the Year. Melton was selected by a committee of administrators and staff from a group of 17 classified employees representing each site and department in the District.


“I’m shocked because I didn’t think I would win,” Melton said after being surprised with the award by Superintendent Dr. Stacey Butterfield and West Elementary principals. “There are so many deserving people across this District. It means a lot because as paras, we do things that sometimes go unnoticed, but we put our heart into our students. To receive this recognition is humbling and amazing.”


Melton started her career at Jenks as a Teacher Assistant at West Elementary and has worked as a paraprofessional for the last two and a half years. She also works with the Trojan Hoops program through Community Education and is working to complete her degree in Elementary Education with the goal of becoming a classroom teacher at West Elementary.


In Melton’s nomination form, her principal stated: “Makayla’s positive attitude and personal initiative make her a standout individual in our school community. She is a kid at heart, always bringing humor and lightness to our working environment, which not only makes her a joy to be around, but also inspires her peers to do their best. We lovingly refer to her as the “Child Whisperer” in Building F because she has an innate ability to reach even the most difficult students in a way that makes them feel they are loved, valued, and respected.”


Melton credits the principals and colleagues at West Elementary for creating a supportive, encouraging work environment. She loves her coworkers, but says the best part of her job is seeing students succeed.


“Just watching them grow and mature is so rewarding,” Melton said. “Seeing them become more independent and use the tools that we’ve given them to help them navigate their school day is exciting to see. Knowing I get to play a part in that is so fulfilling. It’s the connections with the kids that mean the most.”