Enjoy the 3 day weekend, Trojans! See you Tuesday! 😁
about 1 month ago, Jenks Public Schools
Happy Valentine's Day! Here's a glimpse into an afternoon at Jenks West Elementary! From fun craft, and sweet treats to exciting games, JWE Trojans had a blast celebrating friendship and kindness. A huge thank you to all parents and teachers who made today extra special!
about 1 month ago, Jenks Public Schools
two girls with heart shaped glasses on
students playing a game
a student using scissors to make a craft with yarn
student poses with her dad
two boys show off glasses and monster mask given to them
close up on valentine's day bing card a student is playing on
thre girls with roses
Kindness is our superpower! Today, Jenks West Elementary students showed off their superhero costumes and paraded through the halls spreading kindness and positivity with encouraging signs for Kindness Week! What a great reminder that kindness really can be our greatest strength. Great work, Trojans!
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
boy holding up a small poster that says bee kind with a drawing of a bee and flowers
girl giving high fives
girl walking with sign that says kindess is love
three girls walking with a banner that says happy kindess week
girl waving at other students
boy dressed up aas a police officer
teacher that says clearys kind crew
another student holding a poster that says be ahppy be caring be kind
Due to the winter weather and hazardous road conditions, Jenks Public Schools is CLOSED today – Wednesday, February 12. Today is a traditional snow day. It is not a distance learning day. All Community Education programs are canceled for Wednesday and the Early Childhood Center (Little Trojan Academy) will be closed. All activities and athletic events scheduled for Wednesday are canceled. This snow day will have to be made up at the end of the school year. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
icy background with text that says snow day no school Wednesday February 12
Once again, JPS patrons have shown unwavering support of our students, staff, and our mission. JPS voters approved two separate bond propositions today totaling $19,600,000 by a margin of 81.4% to 18.6%. Jenks’ voters have now approved 61 of the past 62 bond issues for Jenks Public Schools. Your vote of confidence is deeply appreciated. These bond dollars will allow JPS to continue to provide exceptional resources, facilities, and opportunities to all students. Thank you, voters!
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
Thank you, voters!
Have you voted today? There's plenty of time left to do so! Polls close tonight at 7 pm. https://www.jenksps.org/page/bond-election
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
photo of lindsay farr and family infront of the jhs dinning hall. caption says these are my reasons to vote. who are yours?
Polls are open right now and will stay open until 7 pm. Please go vote in the JPS Bond Election! Thank you! https://www.jenksps.org/page/bond-election
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
graphic with a girl and two boy students wearing jenks apparel. They have they arms around each other.  graphic says vote today in the 2025 jps bond election
Last semester, a 100-year-old tree near the bus oval at Jenks East Elementary had to be removed due to its age and condition. Ms. Cunningham and Ms. Diaz's classes were sad to see it go, so they took action and advocated for a new tree to be planted in its place. After researching two trees, an oak and a red maple, that would thrive in our soil and climate, the classes encouraged all students at JEE to find their voice and vote for which tree they wanted to be planted Today, a red maple tree was planted, and students from both classes were there to witness the process and ask plenty of questions. This new tree will now be known as the Leader in Me Tree. Thanks to Southwoods for planting the tree and helping teach these students how to take care of the new tree.
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
Students teachers and principal standing around the tree for a photo
southwood employee answering all student questions
student comparing his height to the tree
employee showing the students the budding happening on the tree.
students with the southwood employees as they dig a hole.
Pre-K and Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is OPEN NOW! Click here to enroll your child today! https://www.jenksps.org/.../prek-and-kindergarten-enrollment You can complete the entire process online but be sure you have a digital copy of all the required forms listed below. You must upload these required forms to complete enrollment: - Proof of residence (utility bill or copy of lease) - Driver’s license of parent - Current immunization records or a completed and signed exemption form - Certified birth certificate - Custody/Guardianship and Divorce Decrees (if applicable) - Other information (if applicable) Enrollment is for first-time students only! If your child was enrolled in Pre-K this year, you do not need to re-enroll to enter Kindergarten next year. If your child was not in Pre-K at JPS but will attend Kindergarten at JPS, you must complete enrollment. Students must be four on or before September 1, 2025 to be enrolled into Pre-K 4. This date is set by the State of Oklahoma. Students must be five on or before September 1, 2025 to be enrolled into Kindergarten. Full details and info here https://www.jenksps.org/.../prek-and-kindergarten-enrollment
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
PreK and Kindergarten Enrollment is Open Now
A few weeks ago, we told you about the book all Jenks East Elementary students are reading at home with their families, "The Worst Mascot Ever" by James Preller. Over the last couple days, JEE students have been surprised with a visit from James Preller where they have chatted about his writting style, his inspirations, his story, and about other books in his catalog. Today, after a visit with third graders, James was surprised by the STEM Lab Lego wall decorated as the cover of his book that was created by a few students. It was the best afternoon, ever! Thanks for stopping by to visit with our Trojans, James!
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
Author James Preller speaking to 3rd graders
overview of students listening to james
jams reading from one of his books
james with students who created a lego wall of the cover of the book
James talking to the kids about the lego wall
The Tulsa Opera filled our PAC with beautiful melodies for all Jenks Freshman Academy students to hear. Artists from the Tulsa Opera opened the world of opera to all 9th graders by performing opera in various languages and styles. Freshmen in choir had the opportunity to sing a couple of opera-style songs with the artists, which was incredible! Thank you to the Jenks Public Schools Foundation for funding this Growing Through the Arts initiative for our freshman!
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
Close up of Jenks Freshman Vocal Music
two opera singers singing somg a duet bu
the host was also a singer and he is singing an intro in this photo
woman singing without microphone
girls singing and being very emotional
wide shot oft thee
Happy Global School Play Day! Jenks West Elementary joined in on the fun by encouraging students to bring games, toys, and puzzles from home to school. Students were given time to play in an unstructured and spontaneous environment with their classmates to enrich their learning development. Take a look at what JWE students did today during their playtime! #GSPD2025
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
3 little boys playing with boxing action figures
3 little girls posing with fake food toys
little boy and little girl playing ches
little boy smiling for a photo showing his plane off
group of little boys playing with their pokemon cards
Vote in the JPS Bond Election next Tuesday and you'll check all the boxes: ✅Civic duty ✅Make your voice heard ✅Cool free sticker On the ballot: - District-wide enhancements: Upgrading equipment, safety measures, technology, textbooks, and transportation. - Facility improvements: Freshman Academy expansion, Performing Arts Center, Tennis Facility, and Trojan Aquatic Center. Passing these bonds will NOT increase property taxes. All the details you need to cast an informed vote at https://www.jenksps.org/page/bond-election
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
2025 JPS bond election is in one week - vote on Tuesday, February 11
Jenks West Intermediate students stepped into the shoes of business leaders, accountants, CEOs, government employees, and more at Junior Achievement of Oklahoma's BizTown today! From managing budgets to running storefronts, each student had hands-on experience in financial literacy, teamwork, and leadership. Thanks to the Jenks Public Schools Foundation for making this experience possible for our students!
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
Parents of future Trojans...get ready! Pre-K and Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-26 school year opens at 9 a.m. on Monday, February 10. At that time, a link will appear on the homepage of the Jenks Public Schools’ website (jenksps.org) and on the JPS Enrollment Center webpage (https://www.jenksps.org/page/enrollment). Parents must wait for the 2025-26 link to enroll. The forms available now on the Enrollment Center webpage are for this year only. Enrollments cannot be transferred from one year to another. Enrollment is for first-time students only! If your child was enrolled in Pre-K this year, you do not need to re-enroll to enter Kindergarten next year. If your child was not in Pre-K at JPS but will attend Kindergarten at JPS, you must complete enrollment. Enrollments will be processed on a first-come-first-serve basis. Go to jenksps.org for full details!
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
photo of young student with text: pre-k and kindergarten enrollment opens Monday, February 10
It’s National School Counseling Week (#NSCW25) and we want to highlight the essential contributions our counselors make in the lives of our students! Whether they are listening, encouraging, guiding, welcoming, or preparing students for what comes next, every counselor at JPS has a heart for helping. Our counselors provide academic support, college/career planning, social/emotional development skills, and so much more! Take a moment this week to show a counselor your appreciation! Thank you, JPS counselors!
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
REMINDER: Tomorrow-Friday, January 31-is a Distance Learning Day for students and a Collaboration Day for staff. All students will stay home tomorrow to participate in distance learning. There is no in-person instruction tomorrow. Staff members will use this time for collaboration, professional development, and strategizing to support students. Students in grades Pre-K-2 will bring home assignments today, while students in grades 3-12 will access assignments via Canvas. Watch this video for a full explanation of what to expect on Distance Learning Days at Jenks Public Schools. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9BcJEDqa1M The remaining Distance Learning Days for 2024-25 are: Friday, January 31 Friday, February 28 Friday, April 18
about 2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
REMINDER: Tomorrow-Friday, January 31-is a Distance Learning Day for students and a Collaboration Day for staff. All students will stay home tomorrow to participate in distance learning. There is no in-person instruction tomorrow. Staff members will use this time for collaboration, professional development, and strategizing to support students. Students in grades Pre-K-2 will bring home assignments today, while students in grades 3-12 will access assignments via Canvas. Watch this video for a full explanation of what to expect on Distance Learning Days at Jenks Public Schools. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9BcJEDqa1M The remaining Distance Learning Days for 2024-25 are: Friday, January 31 Friday, February 28 Friday, April 18
February is rapidly approaching and so is the annual JPS Bond Election. Please vote on Tuesday, February 11! On the ballot: - District-wide enhancements: Upgrading equipment, safety measures, technology, textbooks, and transportation. - Facility improvements: Freshman Academy expansion, Performing Arts Center, Tennis Facility, and Trojan Aquatic Center. Passing these bonds will NOT increase property taxes. All the details you need to cast an informed vote at jenksps.org
2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
JPS Bond Election is in 2 weeks
It's that time again, Trojans. In just 3 weeks, vote in the JPS Bond Election! What's on the ballot? - District-wide enhancements: Upgrading equipment, safety measures, technology, textbooks, and transportation. - Facility improvements: Freshman Academy expansion, Performing Arts Center, Tennis Facility, and Trojan Aquatic Center. Passing these bonds will NOT increase property taxes. Be an informed voter and learn more at https://www.jenksps.org/page/bond-election
2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
Vote on Tuesday, February 11 in the 2025 JPS  Bond Election
Today, we honor and celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. #MLKDAY2025
2 months ago, Jenks Public Schools
photo of MLK Jr. with a quote that says so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.