Much deserved congratulations to Mr Ratliff and Ms Leach! They were recognized this morning as our teacher of the month and staff member of the month respectively.
12 months ago, Jenks Middle School
celebrate staff
Our JMS PTAG is hosting the 7th grade party! Encourage your 7th grader to come join the fun!
12 months ago, Jenks Middle School
7th grade party
Congratulations to the JMS members of the Prestige Performance Honor Orchestra! 🎻 These talented musicians auditioned and were awarded spots in this orchestra. They played a wonderful concert at TU on Saturday.🎶
12 months ago, Jenks Middle School
Our JMS Book Fair is 1 month away. Did you know that middle school will be the last time your child will get the thrill of shopping at a Scholastic Book Fair?😭 If you have free time in your day, our JMS PTAG would love for you to volunteer to work the fair. Sign up today!👍
12 months ago, Emily Johnson
book fair
Career Tech Discovery Day!!! JMS 8th graders are exploring their elective options from the various high school Career Tech classes today. This elective fair gives students hands-on experience. They can choose to visit any table of their interest; while there, high school students lead them through an activity and answer questions. Get those enrollment cards ready!
about 1 year ago, Emily Johnson
Career Tech day
Career Tech day
Career Tech day
In Mrs. Shaff's 8th grade Social Studies class, students created visual battle posters to show their understanding of the 1824 Presidential election, the national bank, and the Indian Removal Act.
about 1 year ago, Emily Johnson
Native American
Our 8th grade Global scholars and chaperones are on the last leg of their tour in Portugal. They will undoubtedly come home enriched and enthused global citizens.
about 1 year ago, Emily Johnson
both classes
​It was wheels-up for our 8th grade Global classes last week. Destination....Portugal! Two classes--Arts & Humanities lead by Morgan Brown and Science and Ag lead by Stephen Tillinghast--have been studying various aspects of Portugal's history, culture, and way of life all year in order to have this hands-on learning experience. While there, the two groups will focus on their specific interests. More pictures to come!
about 1 year ago, Emily Johnson
Global Group
Global Group
***REMINDER*** Monday, February 19, is a Professional Day for JPS employees and there is NO SCHOOL. Enjoy the three-day weekend, Trojans!
about 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
No School Monday!
JMS National Junior Honor Society was hard at work yesterday delivering hundreds of carnations to students and staff for their annual Valentine's fundraiser! Great work Ms. Shaff, Ms. Kolar, & all of the NJHS members!
about 1 year ago, Emily Johnson
Here they are...the 2023-24 Site Teachers of the Year! This is a truly remarkable group of educators who show up for our students every day for the right reasons. They are changing the lives of students by laying the groundwork for future success and demonstrating an unparalleled level of care and compassion for every students who enters their classroom. We are so fortunate to have talented teachers like these throughout our District! Join us in congratulating our Site Teachers of the Year!
about 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
2023-24 Site Teachers of the Year
Happy Valentine's Day, Trojans! JMS Student Council showed their appreciation to our JMS staff by delivering drinks and snacks during their StuCo Love Staff event this week!
about 1 year ago, Emily Johnson
Special Delivery!
Special Delivery!
Special Delivery!
THANK YOU, VOTERS! Both JPS bond propositions were approved today by a wide margin! JPS voters have now approved 60 of the last 61 bond issues. Thank you to everyone who voted today and for your unwavering support of our students, staff, and schools!
about 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
Thank you, voters!
Polls are open right now and will stay open until 7pm. Vote in the JPS Bond Election!
about 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
5 girls holding hands
7 days away. Get out and VOTE, Trojans! Bond dollars = materials, technology, facility upgrades, construction projects, safety enhancements, and much, much more! Get all the facts about the 2024 JPS Bond Election here
about 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
# students book ended with two staff members. all wearing jeans spirit wear
Thank a school counselor this week! We are so grateful to our incredible JPS counselors for all they do to enrich and enhance the educational experience for our students. These professionals are teaching character traits, tackling challenges alongside teachers and staff, and providing unmatched care and compassion for all students. Our schools wouldn't be the same without them! #NationalSchoolCounselingWeek
about 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
Thank you, Counselors graphic
Exactly two weeks from today, you can play a part in shaping the future of Jenks Public Schools. Set that reminder in your phone now and go VOTE on Tuesday, February 13 in the JPS Bond Election. How will the bond dollars be used? Why does this matter for my student? How does this impact the District's finances? Great questions. Find those answers and a detailed list of bond items at
about 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
Let's Bond Together. Please vote on Tuesday, February 13.
Add it to the "to-do" list on Tuesday, February 13. VOTE in the 2024 JPS Bond Election! Bond dollars reach every student in every grade level and allow JPS to achieve its goals of elevating learning for all, fostering innovation, and continuously improving. Go to for more info and VOTE!
about 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
Please Vote in the JPS Bond Election on Tuesday, February 13!
Each semester, administrators, JPS Board of Education members, and community representatives visit different sites to experience learning in the classroom and progress in our District. Today's focus throughout the Fall Board Showcase was to make connections throughout the District to the Portrait of a Graduate framework. Some highlights included problem-solving at Jenks West Intermediate, learning how to effectively communicate emotions at Jenks Northwest Elementary, CareerTech programming through agricultural education and STEM at Jenks Middle School, and collaborative project-based learning at Jenks East Intermediate. Thanks to all the principals, teachers, and staff members who made this showcase possible!
over 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
observing student art
Student laughing while welcoming admin and BOE to NWE
BOE members laughing
Admin playing 4 in a row
Student welcoming admin and BOE to JEI
JMS principal smiling
superintendent smiling at student
senator looking over a students shoulder
BOE member looking over a students shoulder
Each semester, administrators, JPS Board of Education members, and community representatives visit different sites to experience learning in the classroom and progress in our District. Today's focus throughout the Fall Board Showcase was to make connections throughout the District to the Portrait of a Graduate framework. Some highlights included problem-solving at Jenks West Intermediate, learning how to effectively communicate emotions at Jenks Northwest Elementary, CareerTech programming through agricultural education and STEM at Jenks Middle School, and collaborative project-based learning at Jenks East Intermediate. Thanks to all the principals, teachers, and staff members who made this showcase possible!
over 1 year ago, Jenks Public Schools
JPSF board member looking at student art
student smiling while welcoming admin and BOE members
BOE members laughing
admin playing four in a row
student welcoming admin and BOE to JEI
JMS principal smiling at a student in the woodshed
BOE member looking over a students shoulder