JEI Color Run is postponed due to rain. The event will now take place next Friday, November 15 Look for more details from teachers in the next few days.
3 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
color run date change
Join us for our Family STEM Night on Wednesday, November 13 from 6:00-7:30 pm.
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
STEM flyer
RESPECT - these JEI students and staff members are respecting each other in their disco wear!
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
disco wear
disco wear
disco wear
disco wear
disco wear
disco wear
RESPECT - these JEI students and staff members are respecting each other in their disco wear!
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
teachers in disco wear
student and teacher in disco wear
student and teachers in disco wear
student and teacher in disco wear
students and teacher in disco wear
student and teacher in disco wear
student in disco wear
These students gave drugs and bullying the boot!
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
students in western wear
Give drugs and bullying the boot!!
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
students in western wear
teachers in western wear
teachers in western wear
students in western wear
students in western wear
red ribbon week sign
art teachers in western wear
specials teachers in western wear
western sign
For Respect Week, the JEI students were so bright, they will say no to drugs and bullying. Even the EISSO door monitors were bright and cheerful!
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
students in bright
students in bright
student door monitors
Kids in doorway
kids in doorway
Our recent Marvelous Moms event brought positive role models into the classrooms to discuss the character trait of courage. Moms, grandparents, aunts, big sisters and even former teachers joined students for a story and fun activity. We appreciate all of our special guests who took time out of their day to join us!
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
students with elementary teacher
moms with students
moms with students
moms entering school
moms with students
All JEI 5th grade classes will get to visit the Philbrook Museum of Art as part of the arts initiative through the @Jenks Public Schools Foundation. Students learn about the history of the museum and take a tour. We are appreciative of this opportunity for our students.
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
observing art
studying paitings
studying artifacts
philbrook class photo
JEI 5th and 6th graders performed in the Show Choir Clinic performance this evening. They rehearsed all week with members of the Jenks High School Trojanaires and members of the Trojan Spirit. We are so proud of their hard work and dedication to Jenks Vocal Music!
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
clinic students
clinic students
Show Choir kids
student singing
Trojan Spirit
JEI families had a great time at the JEI Fall Family Picnic. It was a great turn out for families to enjoy food trucks, yard games and visiting with friends. We hope to see everyone again at our next JEI Family event!
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
lawn games
lawn games
lawn games
food trucks
kids at picnic
families on lawn
Gaga ball
kids on lawn
The last day to order JEI Spirit Wear is October 27!
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
spirit wear flyer
Thank you to our EISSO (East Intermediate Student Service Organization) students for helping take out the recycling in each classroom! Emily Copsey and Shelbee Chamberlin help lead our students who are learning to serve our school and community.
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
EISSO Students
We have JEI Spiritwear! Deadline to order is October 27. Click this link for more information.
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
spirit wear flyer
The Jenks High School International Scholars program introduced our JEI students to a Global Village. Students played games, did activities and learned facts about other nations and cultures.
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
students learning facts
students learning facts
students jumping rope
students getting painted
students learning facts
students learning facts
students hitting ball
The Jenks High School International Scholars program introduced our JEI students to a Global Village. Students played games, did activities and learned facts about other nations and cultures.
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
students learning facts
students learning facts
students learning facts
students learning facts
students outside
students learning facts
students outside
JEI 6th Grade girls spent the day at the OKC Science Museum for the Women in STEM conference. They were accompanied by our STEM coordinator, Brenda Wilson and 6th grade Science teacher, Sarah Miller. The girls listened to a panel of women in STEM careers, built a bridge in the engineering challenge and explored the museum.
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
girls in stem
girls in stem
girls in stem
girls in stem
JEI 6th Grade girls spent the day at the OKC Science Museum for the Women in STEM conference. They were accompanied by our STEM coordinator, Brenda Wilson and 6th grade Science teacher, Sarah Miller. The girls listened to a panel of women in STEM careers, built a bridge in the engineering challenge and explored the museum.
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
girls in stem
girls in stem
girls in stem
girls in stem
girls in stem
girls in stem
girls i nstem
girls in stem
Each month, 5 of our True Trojans will be randomly drawn to have lunch with the principals. Students can receive a True Trojan shout out by being nominated by any staff member and receive a shout out on the morning announcements. Great job being positive examples of good character for our students! #jeirockstars
4 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
students with principals
Dynamic Dads continued:
5 months ago, Jenks East Intermediate
dads with students
dads with students
dads with students
dads with students
dads with students
dads with students